That Awkward Moment When...

You're making some serious goo goo eyes with a handsome guy across the room.  He's looking at you, you're looking at him and you feel the chemistry - that is until you discover he's not interested in you.  He's actually interested in your accessories.  Fortunately, this is usually only awkward for you (depending on the situation).  Smile, chat him up and play it off the best you can.  Make sure the coast is clear before you slink away and palm your forehead in despair.  All hope is not lost.  If he likes your style, you might just have a new shopping buddy.

That Awkward Moment When...

Picture from

Picture from

You enter a subway train and there are no seats available. Instinctively you grab onto one of the poles just the way your Pole Class instructor told you to. While she might be proud of your good form, you are guaranteed to get some sideways looks from fellow passengers. I suggest making the most of it - give them a show. You might nab a few bucks for drinks later.   I joke, I joke!

That Awkward Moment When...


The guy you've been avoiding pulls up alongside you while you're checking yourself out at a stoplight.  Your window's down, his window's down.  There is no escaping him.  So what do you do?  Here a few things you can try.  I took some liberties here ;-)

  1. Turn up the music and make exaggerated hand gestures like you're explaining why the two of you haven't connected. 
  2. Squint your eyes as though you're trying to place him... then book it as soon as the light turns green.
  3. Lean down in your seat avoiding all eye contact...then book it as soon as the light turns green. 
  4. Pretend that you're having a heated discussion on your cell phone.
  5. Act like you're in a rush and did not notice the stoplight stalker. 

There's no guarantee that these methods will actually work.  However, it will make for a great story over drinks with your friends!