Celebrity Frogs - Kim Kardashian

Picture from huffingtonpost.com

Picture from huffingtonpost.com

Four months after giving birth to newborn North West (that child is bound to have her own airline one day), Kim Kardashian comes out of hiding as Beyonce???   Okay, to be fair, Kim's "reincarnation" is not the reason for being inducted into the Celebrity Frogs' Hall of Shame.  I'd been planning on writing this piece for months but just never got around to it.  Her latest attempt at high end trashion finally sparked me to do the deed.

Kim Kardashian is the first female to make it to Celebrity Frog status - an honor for sure.  She is being named as such for her rise to fame on her back (or stomach or knees...whatever) in a sex tape co-starring ex-boyfriend *Ray J.  With mother Kris Jenner as her pimp, I mean manager, she has worked hard to legitimize her "assets" with a reality television show, clothing lines, perfume and high profile relationships.

Kardashian dated Reggie Bush when he was a running back for the New Orleans Saints.  She moved on to basketball player Kris Humphries whom she married then filed divorce from 72 days later (poor guy...everyone knew it was for the ratings except for him).  Finally, she hit her home run with rapper Kanye West who is by far the most successful man she's been with.  They now have a child together.  Hmmm...I believe he had a few lines in the song "Gold Digger" about just that.  If only he had taken his own advice.  If only...

My issue with Kimmie K goes far beyond her fashion faux paus and man mishaps.  She symbolizes a trend that we see all too often these days - being trashy is a means to success.    Is this really the message that we want to send to our youth?  College graduation rates for women are at an all-time high, but I can't seem to catch that article in People magazine behind Kim's big @$$.  There is nothing extraordinary about her rise to fame, and her desperate attempts to stay relevant are sad.  On a positive note (because we love silver linings), she is a hustler.

 * Read Celebrity Frog's feature on rapper Ray J


Celebrity Frogs - Robin Thicke

Picture from nycprowler.com.

Picture from nycprowler.com.

It is with great sadness that I present this next Celebrity Frog feature - Mr. "Lost Without You" himself, Robin Thicke.  Why, you ask?  Robin Thicke's latest video, "Blurred Lines", features naked women prancing about as the objects of his "affection".  We're talking nude thongs and a smile.  Okay, bicycles, banjos and goats too.  But that's besides the point.  Thicke and crew (rappers T.I. and Pharell were in the video as well) were fully clothed in suits and loafers.  Haven't seen the unrated version of the video?  Check it out here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwT6DZCQi9k

Now here's the thing, I typically don't get up in arms about every politically incorrect occurrence in pop culture.  If I did, I'd need a defibrillator and personal psychiatrist.  However, I expected more from Robin Thicke.  My expectations for someone who croons, "Hey Busta/ let's leave them girls rollin'/ and it looks like/ them asses is swollen" just aren't as high (call me crazy).  Thicke seemed like a genuinely nice guy who was in tune with the female psyche.  His display of blatant misogyny has proven me wrong.

On the other hand, "Blurred Lines" presents an interesting dichotomy. Women wouldn't be objectified as much if we didn't partake in these behaviors.  This is the part where my feminist friends start clutching their pearls and hissing at my so-called blasphemy, but hear me out.  I am well aware that women are not seen as equals.  We can have the same degrees, same abilities and in some cases be more qualified than our male counterparts and still not have the same opportunities.  Furthermore, saying we are oppressed and powerless is a load of crap.  Robin Thicke, Pharell and T.I. didn't hold a gun to those girls' heads and say, "do this or else".  I'm sure it was done willingly with no coercion necessary.  Additionally, many feminists take things too far making statements like, "the lyrics sound rapey".  Sexist, yes.  Rapey - is that even a word?  The bottom line is our bodies are under our control.  We have power, and need to do a better job of  activating it. 

 "Blurred Lines" is on my banned list, which is really hard because it's a catchy song.  Such is life.  S/n:  3:14 "Robin Thicke has a big d***" - really dude?  Try #weak.

Celebrity Frogs - Jude Law

Oh Ju-die, Ju-die, Ju-die (random fact: Cary Grant never actually said that phrase).

Picture from www.askmen.com

Picture from www.askmen.com

Jude Law is a British actor best known for his roles in The Talented Mr. Ripley, Sherlock Holmes (beside Robert Downy Jr.), and the remake of Alfie.  Sienna Miller was Law's co-star in Alfie where he portrayed an irresponsible playboy on a downward spiral.  Miller and Law became romantically involved shortly thereafter. 

Apparently the script for Alfie wasn't too far off from Law's real life.  He cheated on Miller with the nanny (clutching my Sunday pearls that the scandal)!  Law went on to date model Samantha Burke whom he had his fourth child with.  Miller and Law reunited briefly after the birth of his child with Burke in 2009, then called it quits again in 2011. 

Law is handsome and talented.  He's also not the first man to cheat with his nanny.  Nonetheless, that's still messy.  He fired her once the scandal broke which I'm sure had an effect on the children.  I think this falls into "you don't **** where you eat" wouldn't you say?