New Year, Same Me...With a Few Upgrades

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Every year it's the same spiel.  "In the new year, I'm going to [fill in the blank here]."  Did you know that on average, most New Year's resolutions fail by February?  Heck, if I had a dollar for every time I scrapped a New Year's resolution, I could probably buy a small island.  Okay, maybe pay for a month's worth of Starbucks, or a nice dinner out with friends.  You get the point.  Either way, it doesn't work for most people and it most certainly doesn't work for me. 

So I write this welcome back post not as a dated tradition with no follow through behind it (although I did manage to get myself into two weight loss challenges...I chock that up to getting a Fitbit for Christmas and all holiday merriment coming to an end), but to say this has been in the works for a while.  And I cannot contain it anymore.  I NEED TO WRITE.

For the better part of three years, I have gone through peaks and valleys with my writing (more valleys than anything).  I had become complacent.  Life was good.   Besides, between work, family, friends, social commitments, civic duties, relationships - where was the time?  Suddenly this past year left me feeling like I was underwater.  I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that I was supposed to be writing.  I thought about it everyday.  Dreamt of it.  And felt sort of melancholy when it wasn't getting done.  I realized my writing was a part of me.  The way that any of those other commitments and activities were.  The freedom of expression, the way my fingers effortlessly flitted across the keyboard while I averted my eyes from the screen willing new ideas and emotions to flow onto the pages, transporting me into another world.  God how I missed it.  Each book that I read made me want to write even more.  New authors with refreshing styles, vivid imagery, fluid lines with perfectly placed words only intensified my desire.  Then those nagging thoughts came back.  How will you ever make time?

The solution came in the form of a new acquaintance. We met at a wedding last  fall. Her positive, upbeat nature drew me to her, and an immediate connection was formed.  We have been having lunch just about every month since, and during our last meeting she suggested I read a book called Change Your Habits, Change Your Life by Tom Corley.  I jotted it down on my phone, and came back to it a few times. 

On a flight to Texas (another activity I've been doing more as of late is traveling), I decided to download a sample of the book.  It had rave reviews online, and my local library did not have any available copies.  I figured if it was any good, I would just buy it on Kindle and be done with it.  O.M.G.  This book is packed with great insights into how habits are formed, and why people behave the way they do.  It also provides useful information about what good habits are and how to change bad habits into good habits.  I highly recommend reading it (if you haven't already).  I'm usually a fast reader; however, when it comes to text containing information I want to absorb and apply, I tend to take my time.  So I am about 95% finished; however, I plan to go back and re-read.

In any event, that volcano of passion that had been slowly growing inside of me, finally began to erupt.  I cannot wait for the right time.  I have to make the right time.  My life is great, but I need passion.  I miss my passion, and that is writing.  After some time off, and lots of refocusing, I am back. That picture at the top?  That's my vision board.  I put it up on a bare wall in my room that had been waiting for the perfect companion.  Now each day I am reminded of what my goals are to keep me on track.  So New Year, same me with a few system updates.

And oh yeah, I'm still Smooching Frogs ;-)