Weekend Warrior? Not So Much

For the past few weekends, I’ve been out painting the town. What color, you ask? Not quite sure. What I do know is that I haven’t spent this much time hanging out and going on dates since, well, I started this site :-). Living the single life has its perks. I do what I want, when I want with little to no interference (excluding family, work, and other obligations). I’ve grown accustomed to my freedom - learning to love and cherish it.

Recently, though, I decided I was 100% ready to take the dating world by storm. I’m older, wiser, and heavily medicated. What could possibly go wrong? So I did it. I put myself out there. Slowly at first, hoping not to cause too much raucous in the proverbial dating pool. Then I made a huge splash - which turned out to be more of a belly flop. Well, multiple belly flops. Over the past month, my Saturday nights have produced such hideous blunders that a friend of mine squealed, “You need to write about this…on Smooching Frogs.”

So here I am. Six years after my initial debut. Still smooching frogs and telling about it ;-)