Today's Thought Stream

I took a walk today and my random thoughts amused me so I decided to share.  Enjoy! 

 What a beautiful day it is...

Is that a raccoon or a possum?  Either way I need to cross the street... 

Wow, that guy really turned around just to get my number.  Him : "My name is Doug* but people call me Frenchie." the Pink Lady from Grease?  Thanks but no thanks.  I'm flattered though.  I'll take your number to be nice. ..

That dog doesn't have a leash and he has one of those cone things on his neck...invisible fence my ass...I'm turning around before I become Rex's dinner... 

What is up with all those Hallmark movies?  Single mom meets beautiful handsome stranger and they live happily ever after. Blah... 

Finally home.  I should have about six activity points to eat up later.  Niiiiice... 


*Names were changed to protect the, well, not-so-guilty.